7 deadly fly fishing sins
Here are my “7 deadly sins of fly fishing in general.” Don’t take this to seriously folks (see #3).
Good Snow Pack/Culebra Creek/Spring on the Green
If there’s anything that gets me excited it’s a good snow pack bringing the promise of extended stream flows well into summer. We’re on a good storm track for the foreseeable future so we should be in good shape.
The 1-2 punch for steamer fishing trout
In boxing, the “one-two punch” is a nickname for a jab and cross combo designed to fake out your opponent and land a solid shot in the kisser.
If you haven’t been fishing with us, this is what you’ve been missing!
Spring Was Fantastic and Summer’s in Full Swing!
Defining Small Streams and Creeks
In defining a small stream or creek in New Mexico you must first put into perspective the difference in water size here compared to waters in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Utah.
Small-Stream Flyfishing, part 2
If we all had to guide on strictly wild freestone streams many guides would be out of business. Not only are they unpredictable compared to tailwaters, which makes guiding more difficult, but many beginning anglers don’t have the time or the patience to fish streams that don’t consistently produce.