Flies: Midges, Stone Flies, Caddis, Hoppers, Baetis, Tricos
Type: Medium sized tail-water, riffles, pools, undercut banks
Season: July – October
Hams Fork Fly Fishing Guide Service
The Ham’s Fork is a medium-sized stream flowing out of the Wyoming Range into Viva Naughton Reservoir near our base town of Kemmerer. Below the reservoir is a private stretch of water that the Hams Fork fly fishing guide service of the Solitary Angler has access to.
The stream is a classic tailwater, winding though willows with numerous riffles, in addition to pools and undercut banks. Consequently, it holds thousands of rainbows per mile, averaging around 16 inches with many larger.
This is classic dry fly water, and hatches occur daily from July through October. Midges and blue winged olives are the primary food source but hatches of golden stones and caddis do occur in June and July. During hatches it’s hard to move from a pool because they just keep feeding.
The lower Ham’s Fork also offers great dry fly fishing. It also has a healthy brown trout population. The trout in the lower Ham’s Fork average larger and most noteworthy some real big browns and rainbows over five pounds have been caught. Stone flies and caddis are also more plentiful in the lower Ham’s Fork and September and October produces many large browns. Combine with a day or two on the Green River and/or Smith’s Fork.