- Flies: Stone Flies, Baetis, PMDs, Midges, Hoppers, and Caddis
- Type: Freestone Stream, with spring creek influence below hatchery
- Prices
- Current River Flow Rate (at the hatchery)
Red River Flyfishing Guide Service
The Red River is a spring-fed river and the main tributary for spawning and wintering fish coming from the Rio Grande Gorge, and it’s our only natural stream in Northern NM that offers excellent winter fishing.
The Fall brown trout run is a sight to see!
Thousands of browns, many over 18 inches, run up the Red River every fall to spawn. The browns feed aggressively during this migration and are challenging to land in the fast canyon pocket water.
Season: Year-Round Fishing!
Winter brings in the wintering and spawning cutbows and rainbows from the Gorge and they feed willingly on the midges, and occasionally blue winged olives and caddis. Of course there is a healthy resident population of rainbows and browns in the Red as well. Combine a winter trip with our Red River Flyfishing guide service with a trip on the Culebra and/or skiing in Taos!